Słówko po angielsku: | Słówko po polsku: |
transition | przemiana, przejcie |
vocation | zawd, zajcie |
discontented | niezadowolony; dissatisfied |
tandem jump | skok spadochronowy z instruktorem |
snap out of sth | wzi si w gar, rozchmurzy si |
proprietor | an owner; waciciel |
extend an ainvitation | zaprosi; to invite |
anticipation | niecierpliwe oczekiwanie, przewidywanie |
conciliatory | ugodowy, pojednawczy |
compliant | usuny, ulegy |
sweetener | osoda |
conscientious | sumienny |
fulfil | zaspokoi, speni |
bitterness | feeling of dissapointing and anger |
estrangement | ozibienie stosunkw |
doting | showing a lot of love for sb else; czuy |
confirmed | zatwardziay, naogowy |
absent-minded | roztargniony,not paying enough attention |
resentment | feeling of bitterness and anger |
happy-go-lucky | carefree; niefrasobliwy, beztroski |
blood relative | sb related to you by birth |
relative by marriage | sb related to you by marriage |
brother-in-law | szwagier |
niece | siostrzenica, bratanica |
stepmother | macocha |
half brother | brat przyrodni |
proffesional prospects | perspektywy zawodowe |
dismal | fatalny; sad,depressing |
misery | great unhappiness; niedola |
frown upon | to disapprove of sth |
deprived | not having the essential things in life |
prone to sth | frequently affected by sth bad |
embark on/upon sth | to start doing sth new or difficult |
vulnerable | wraliwy, bezbronny |
hardship | bieda, trudnoci |
self-appointed | giving oneself a position of leader without asking anyone or being chosen |
self-denying | skonny do wyrzecze |
self-obsessed | spending only about oneself |
self-righteous | convinced one is right&others are wrong |
self-destructive | hurting oneself |
self-indulgent/indulgence | pampering oneself |
self-confessed | admitting openly to one what is&views |
pamper | spoil; rozpieszcza, dogadza |
self-aware | samokrytyczny; conscious of oneself |
self-disciplined | abletocontrol|onslf|withoutbeingtold so |
self-conscious | timid, shy, diffident |
self-centred | not caring about what sb else want to do |
self-reliant | able to cope on one's own;samodzielny |
self-confident | self-assured, having high self-esteem |
endure | to last; to suffer patiently |
ease | to alleviate |
progressive | modern |
swing | a big and sudden change;naga zmiana,skok |
superficial | powierzchowny, pytki |
close-knit | zyty; having a very strong between? |
heartfelt | deep or sincere; pyncy prosto z serca |
stick together | trzyma si razem;stay%support with e/o |